766 Service Road, East Lansing, MI 48824 phpinfo@msu.edu

PHP members present posters at The Origins of Cancer Conference

The posters presented by PHP included:

Investigation of a miR-10b inhibition in glioblastoma using a combination treatment. – Ming Chen, Bryan Kim, Neil Robertson, Elizabeth Kenyon, and Anna Moore

Novel Approach to GBM treatment based on PTEN Upregulation. – Ming Chen, Bryan Kim, Neil Robertson, Elizabeth Kenyon, and Anna Moore 

Feline Mammary Carcinomas Share MiR-10b Expression Patterns of Human Breast CancerAlan Halim, N. Anna Savan, Paulo Vilar Saavedra, Vilma Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan, Matti Kiupel, Lorenzo Sempere, Anna Moore

Virtual compound screening for potential individualized treatments of acute myeloid leukemia. Dmitry Leshchiner, Shreya Paithankar, Sachi Horibata, and Bin Chen

GPT1/2 as a potential determinant of chemoresistance in ovarian cancerAdriana L. Ponton-Almodovar, Jamie Bernard, and Sachi Horibata