Shaun’s paper featured on Cover

Shaun Grumelot’s paper titled “Identification of Pristine and Protein Corona Coated Micro- and Nanoplastic Particles with a Colorimetric Sensor Array” was featured on the cover of ACS Omega.   Shaun is a member of the Mahmoudi Lab.

Manvir accepted for poster presentation

Manvir Bamrah, a member of the Wang lab, was selected for an Undergraduate Research poster presentation for the 2024 Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting held at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, Maryland.

Adriana awarded Fellowship

Adriana Ponton-Almodovar, a member of the Horibata lab, has been awarded the Aitch Foundation Graduate Fellowship. The Aitch Foundation is a non-profit organization that works to support MSU cancer researchers studying early cancer detection and diagnostics, genetic and… Read More

Saumya’s abstract selected for presentation

Saumya Nigam, a postdoctoral fellow in the Wang Lab, has been selected for a Poster presentation at the 2024 World Molecular Imaging Congress for her abstract titled “Non-invasive in vivo tracking of transplanted progenitor cells for pulmonary fibrosis.” … Read More

Dr. Moore profiled for new role as Associate Dean of research development

  “Grants can be mind-boggling,” said Anna Moore, PhD. “Even a simple R-01 is 150 pages. How do you justify what you’re asking money for? How much to ask for?” In the newly created role of associate dean for… Read More

Horibata lab members selected as speakers

Adriana L. Ponton-Almodovar and Jamie Lord, two members of the Horibata lab, were selected as speakers for the 50th Annual Pharmacology Research Colloquium on June 21 hosted this year at The University of Toledo.

Wang Lab presents poster

Members of the Wang lab, Saumya Nigam and Elvira Gjelaj presented their abstract, entitled “Automatic Quantitative Analysis of Iron Content for Magnetic Particle Imaging using Deep Learning Algorithms “, had been accepted for DahShu 2024 Data Science Symposium… Read More

Dr. Horibata receives grant

Dr. Sachi Horibata was awarded grant funding from the Elsa U. Pardee Foundation  for her work “Study of transcriptomic landscape shift between pre- and post-chemotherapy treated acute myeloid leukemia”.  

Dr. Mahmoudi featured in MSU Med News

MSU researchers set new standards and show how a new treatment helps patients with MS, ALS, Parkinson’s disease Is it possible for nanoparticles to go through the digestive system and deliver medicine directly to the brain tissue? Researchers… Read More

Chaitra awarded funding

Chaitra, an undergrad in the Sempere lab, who was awarded funding by the ASIP Summer Research Opportunity Program in Pathology (SROPP)  in the amount of $2,500 + a $2,500 match from the Sempere lab.