
PHP hosts Science and snacks

PHP hosted a fantastic event that brought together a diverse group of individuals from the Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Building (ISTB) to engage in thought-provoking discussions about science while enjoying delicious snacks courtesy of ThermoFisher. It provided an

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Tahnia organizes MSUCOM student panel

Tahnia Quadri, a student in the Wang lab, is the President of Pre-Physician Association.  She organized an MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine student panel for undergraduate students at MSU.   Darius Amos, a medical student in the Wang lab,

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Samuel Sanderson nominated for Goldwater Scholarship

Four undergraduate students have been nominated for the Goldwater Scholarship. The Goldwater Foundation seeks sophomores and juniors committed to a research career in STEM fields with the potential for significant future contribution in their chosen field. The award provides

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Dr. Morteza Mahmoudi featured on Ask the Expert

Ask the expert: What are nanomedicines? Nanomedicines are relatively new and we’ve only scratched the surface of their potential “Ask the expert” articles provide information and insights from MSU scientists, researchers and scholars about national and global issues,

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Erin Zaluzec receives travel award

Erin, a member of the Sempere lab, has  been selected to receive a travel award to attend the American Association of Cancer Research Annual Meeting, April 14-19, 2023, in Orlando, FL on behalf of the Doctoral Program in

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