Elizabeth Phelps, a member of the Sempere lab, has been awarded $2,500 in funding for the ASIP Summer Research Opportunity Program in Pathology (SROPP). In addition, the Sempere Lab has generously pledged to match her funding, bringing the
Dr. Morteza Mahmoudi was awarded funding for his Michigan ADVANCE Grant Program for Non immunogenic tissue augmentation formulation. The MSU Innovation Center manages and administers the University Early-Stage Proof-of-Concept Fund known hereafter as the ADVANCE Grant Program sponsored
CHM Dean, Dr. Aron Sousa attended Anna’s graduation in Philadelphia. Dr. Anna Moore graduated from the The Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) Program program. ELAM is a highly rigorous and transformative one-year leadership training program designed specifically
Members of the Sempere lab, Sudhakar Samuel, Kasia Kempinska and Joey Esparza won first-place for their poster presentation in the Cell Biology Genetics and Genomics category at the University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum (UURAF). The 2023 UURAF
Jessi Rodriguez, an undergraduate student in the Wang lab, has been awarded the Dean’s Research Scholar for the 2023-24 academic year by the College of Natural Science. As a member of the group of awardees, she will represent PHP
Nasreen Al-Qadi, a medical student in the Moore lab, was awarded the highly competitive College of Human Medicine Office of Research Oncology Research scholarship.
Elizabeth awarded funding
Elizabeth Phelps, a member of the Sempere lab, has been awarded $2,500 in funding for the ASIP Summer Research Opportunity Program in Pathology (SROPP). In addition, the Sempere Lab has generously pledged to match her funding, bringing the
Dr. Mahmoudi awarded new grant
Dr. Morteza Mahmoudi was awarded funding for his Michigan ADVANCE Grant Program for Non immunogenic tissue augmentation formulation. The MSU Innovation Center manages and administers the University Early-Stage Proof-of-Concept Fund known hereafter as the ADVANCE Grant Program sponsored
Dr. Moore graduates from ELAM
CHM Dean, Dr. Aron Sousa attended Anna’s graduation in Philadelphia. Dr. Anna Moore graduated from the The Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) Program program. ELAM is a highly rigorous and transformative one-year leadership training program designed specifically
PHP members win first prize
Members of the Sempere lab, Sudhakar Samuel, Kasia Kempinska and Joey Esparza won first-place for their poster presentation in the Cell Biology Genetics and Genomics category at the University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum (UURAF). The 2023 UURAF
Jessi awarded a scholarship
Jessi Rodriguez, an undergraduate student in the Wang lab, has been awarded the Dean’s Research Scholar for the 2023-24 academic year by the College of Natural Science. As a member of the group of awardees, she will represent PHP
Nasreen awarded scholarship
Nasreen Al-Qadi, a medical student in the Moore lab, was awarded the highly competitive College of Human Medicine Office of Research Oncology Research scholarship.