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Anna Moore is the Director of MSU’s Precision Health Program and Associate Dean for Research Development at the College of Human Medicine. Her research is aimed at developing theranostic agents for imaging and therapy in cancer and diabetes.

Dr. Moore received her undergraduate degree in chemistry from Moscow State University and her Ph.D. in Bioorganic Chemistry from A.N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences in Moscow, Russia. Moore previously worked at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. She is the founder of TransCode Therapeutics and a member of the World Molecular Imaging Society and the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.



Anna Moore

Director, Precision Health Program

Associate Dean for Research Development, College of Human Medicine


President-Elect World Molecular Imaging Society

    Research Interests
  • Development of image-guided nucleic-acid based therapies for cancer
  • Discovery of novel targets for eradication of cancer stem cells
  • Development of new universal multi-modal imaging agents for organ targeting and cell labeling
  • Development of imaging methods for early detection of endometriosis
  • 1983 A.N. Belozersky Institute Annual Award (Best Diploma Award), Moscow State University,  Moscow, Russia
  • 1993 Memorial Award, American Association of University Radiologists
  • 1999 Seed Grant Award, Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
  • 2000 Fellowship Research Training Prize “Near infrared fluorescent (NIRF) optical imaging as prognostic tool in            human breast cancer animal model study”, RSNA
  • 2002 Junior Faculty Award, American Diabetes Association
  • 2003 Travel award to attend 63d ADA Scientific Sessions, American Diabetes Association
  • 2008 Outstanding Teacher Award, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
  • 2014 Distinguished Investigator Award, Academy of Radiology Research
  • 2014 Valkhof Visiting Professorship (Valkhov Leerstoel), Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands
  • 2015 Distinguished Service Award, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)
  • 2016 Achievement in Innovation Award, University of Calgary, Canada


     Moore Lab