766 Service Road, East Lansing, MI 48824 phpinfo@msu.edu

My name is Neil Robertson and I’m a postdoc working for Prof. Anna Moore at MSU in the Precision Health Program. I received my Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University at Albany, SUNY under the guidance of Prof. Mehmet Yigit and my B.S. in Biochemistry from the University at Buffalo, SUNY. My current research is focused on the development of novel nanoparticle constructs for the detection and treatment of cancer. By building on past work and designing new iron oxide nanoparticles, I hope to more precisely target tumor tissue of interest. My goal is to create novel multi-modal imaging constructs which can be useful for both researchers and clinicians. When I’m not in the lab I love gaming for fun or competitively, riding my motorcycle and hanging out with my little dog Nova.

Neil Robertson