766 Service Road, East Lansing, MI 48824 phpinfo@msu.edu

About Us

Vision:  Redefining health and disease by driving medicine toward health and away from treating symptoms. We envision refocusing medicine on the restoration of health rather than amelioration of symptoms but at the same time advancing therapies for those who need them.
Mission:  Advancing genetic, technological, analytical and computational tools for prediction, prevention, and early detection as well as molecularly targeted interventions in a wide range of devastating diseases including diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular, and neurodegenerative disorders.
Approach:  From genomics to precision nanomedicine, from synthetic chemistry to imaging, we approach the notion of precision health from various vantage points to significantly improve outcomes in patient care.

Message From The Director

Welcome to the Precision Health Program (PHP) at MSU! Our Program is a new fast developing and vibrant ecosystem that is uniquely poised to shift the health paradigm to achieve better outcomes not only across campus but across the state of Michigan and beyond. We are a growing group of dedicated scientists in various areas of (basic) science, engineering, and medicine with the common goal of detecting disease early and treating it with precision and high efficiency. We are developing/using cutting edge technologies and scientific discoveries to achieve our goal. PHP has already established collaborations with various colleges and departments at MSU and embarked on our mission of training the next generation of scientists specializing in preserving human health and quality of life. We are dedicated to our work and our mission and welcome those who wants to be part of our new multidisciplinary team, which is pushing the boundaries of scientific discovery.

Anna Moore, Ph.D.